Wow that is Crazy Melanie is coming home already, but that will be cool to hear from her, you will have to say hi for me. Where did Hayden serve? That is cool that the young women and young men sang that EFY medley for me! That's an awesome song and it would probably do the same to me if i was to watch it jaja! and tell her thanks for me.
Have fun camping , sounds like it will be fun ! :)
Anyways so this week was kind of crazy and cool and everything in between!
Martes: I had intercambios with Elder Pincay and we went to the Bishops house and he lives on the side of a mountian, on a small farm so that was cool, it was super peaceful and reminded me a lot of home. Also later we got free empanadas from one of his investigators that was also really good!
Miercoles: I had to give a capacitación about Obedience it went well , Anyways Later we had a noche de barrio and we were in charge of it so we put together a little skit or play to show how the members could help the missionaries with the missionary work it went really well , except the turn out was really poor. And the 1st couple of people didn't arrive untli 30 min when it was supposed to start.
Jueves: So we weren't having a lot of success during the day finding people to teach , and i was kind of getting stressed in my mind , then we recieved a calll from a member saying how his wife just had a baby and he needed some help, but didn't tell us exactly with what, so he said I'll come by and pick you up in my car. Anyways long story short, his wife was feeling really week , and couldn't walk, so we had to carry her up in a wheel chair 5 stories high!!! But it went well , and it felt good to do service to someone who really needed it! And her Baby is Super cute!
Viernes; Colombia lost the game to Argentina , so my Comp was pretty happy , but I was kind of scared for his life being in Colombia and all! But we had to be in the house early because of the game.
Sabado: We had a lesson with E*and read Alma 47 about Almakiah wanting to be king over all the armies, and we compared it to satan tempting us and making things seem not as bad as they are ,( so if you get the chance I would read it is super cool how well we can relate it to our lives! )
Domingo: Stake confrence went well E*y J*showed up. Most of the talks were about the Sabbath day , and also we had someone from the 70 speak he gave a really good talk about how we can help rebellious childern , and how to be examples.
Hoy : we didn't do anything really , because we couldnt play futbol :(
Anyways I hope all is going well back home and that you guys have a great week! Also feliz Cumpleaños Papá !
things that made me smile , doing service, Jonathan almost officially rescued , A* Nuñez saying he wants too serve a mission!!!
Love always.
Elder Strong:)