Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 10 tender mercies!

Gracias por todo, 
On Martes we taught Jose and Luz about the atonement and Christ. Jose has a lot of faith and it is great to see him progress  every time we go over. We also gave him a priesthood blessing and he is doing a lot better. He was actually sitting in his wheel chair which is great. 

On Mericoles, How was Jared's birthday? I wish I could have been there to help celebrate it with you guys. That is awesome that he has the preisthood now! We had a zone conference and talked about the importance of obedience. My companion made an awesome Oreo cheesecake for the conference. It was awesome! Then we met with Maria and talked to her about forgiveness, so hopefully she will be able to get baptized soon. She came to church on Sunday so that was awesome!!

Jueves, not much happened that I can remember. We stayed the night in Duitama, because we had to leave at 2 in the morning to go to Bogota to meet with the mission president.

When we arrived in Bogota' we went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. We got some hot chocolate and some awesome donuts.
We talked to the mission president about adjusting to mission life, and other things and a lot about the tender mercies of Heavenly Father. I hope that you guys can find the tender mercies of the lord in your lives! 

Domingo, church was good, then we went and had dinner with the Flores family. They made really good fries! Then we had a super awesome lesson with the mom of the Penagos family. She is not a member but has three daughters that are members. The lesson went well, we showed the finding faith in Christ video.At  the end of the lesson we asked her to pray and she said no. We all just sat there for a little while and then she started to pray. It was so awesome and the spirit was super strong! 
Anyways I am glad to hear everyone is doing well for the most part and continuing to be great examples to your friends. I love you all so much, and I am so blessed with an amazing family thanks  for everything! 
Love Elder Strong

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